Yesterday Shelby came with me to work at the Animal House. I think she had fun. I hope she had fun. Hehe, lets replace fun with enjoyed, because only crazy people like me would think that cleaning up exotic animal dung and hair is fun.
When we got there at 8 a.m. we didn't get to start with my normal routine. Joel arrived right after we did, which is very unusual because he usually doesn't come to the shelter side until around 9 a.m. He had to answer a call so he stopped by to pick up crates and get us started. We helped him load the crates, and then when he left we fixed the Nature Trail hose and started to clean Nature Trail. Shelby also go to meet Simba! He is the perfect first exotic for Shelby to meet because he is just a big, lazy baby. After cleaning Nature Trail, Shelby and I worked on the inside shelter. Then, when Joel came back, we dewormed a litter of puppies and gave them shots. When we got everything in the shelter done, we went to clean out back where Spec (leopard) and Hershey (black bear) are.
While I was blowing out Specs pen, I had to get between his house in the area where he was trapped off (he was laying on top of it) and his house in the area I was cleaning. Spec did not like me being that close to him. At first he hissed at me, and then he pounced in my direction and threw his paw at me (remember he is trapped off and there is a chain length fence that is cemented to the ground with a fence top between us so I was perfectly safe). You might think that I freaked out and screamed or ran away or even both. I didn't. This past summer I have been sprayed by 2 lions, been in the wolf pen without the trap down (Joel was there with me), and had a tiger threaten me when I was feeding him, so I know now how to expect some behaviors in the animals. I just turned to Spec and said "Stop" firmly. When Joel realized what was going on he walked over and talked to Spec to calm him down.
You see, when it comes to animals, especially exotics, you have to learn to keep calm. If you are nervous and freaked out, then the animals get scared and it puts both of you in a bad position. While working at the animal house I have learned to wipe away my nerves. This has helped me form a stronger bond with the animals I work with and has also enlightened me to a new way of handling animals whether they are a horse, dong, or leopard.
Pictures: Patty the lion and Ocea the tiger (I am not sure if his name is spelled correctly)
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