Saturday, September 10, 2011

Today I went to work at the Animal House. Not much happened, but I did get some funny pictures. I got there before Joel (the guy who runs the shelter but he is not the owner) just like every other time I've worked there. Also, just like every other time, I started by cleaning Nature Trail (which is the outside shelter dogs). Then when Joel arrived, I helped him with the inside shelter.Then came the second best part of working there... FEEDING! Feeding is when we give the exotics their yummy meal of raw chicken. We fill 5-gallon buckets up with however many chickens each animal needs, and then we go to their pens and throw or kick the chickens in. The first exotic I fed was Simba, a male lion. Now, you need to know that Simba is lazy, a big baby, and loves attention! Well, when I got to his pen, he was laying down with his back towards me. I put his chicken in his pen, and then I told him "Okay, Simba. Time to eat." You want to know what he did? He turned his head towards me, looked at me with a face that said "whatever" and went back to sleep. Well about 20 minutes later when I went back to check on him, I found him in the exact same position (he had not moved an inch) with his chicken untouched. He is such a lazy cat. I also got to feed Tara (tiger) and Hershey (black bear).

About the pictures: The first two are Simba. I have seen him sleep in many awkward positions but this one is by far the funniest! The third one is a litter of puppies at the shelter. Yes, that one puppy is sleeping in a food bowl, and yes, it still has food in the bottom.

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