Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Emu Dances

First of all, I wanted to share this video. Emus, as I have learned at the Animal House, are very curious birds. No matter where I am cleaning or what I am doing, there is a emu by the gate or fence watching me. They follow me and stare at me, but when I look back at them or try to follow them, they turn away as if to say "What are you looking at? I was minding my own business!" The emu in the video, though, I figured wanted to put on a show, but was suffering from stage fright (because he rear end was always facing me unless I looked away).

So much has happened at the Animal House over the last three weeks, I don't know where to begin. I have several happy stories, and one sad but satisfying story. I guess I will give the depressing one first to get it out of the way, and so I don't end this blog with anger in my heart.

Four Saturdays ago, Joel gave me a special job to do. He had me sit in the chair in the office, and then he gave me a blanket. I was a little confused until he brought in a little poodle and placed her in my lap. He had me wrap her up and just hold her for about an hour or so. Earlier that week, her owners had brought her to the shelter. She was 16 years old, and had the symptoms of being a very old dog. Her owners left her because they did not want to take her to the vet to see what could be done and they didn't want to take up the extra responsibility of caring for an elderly dog. While the owners were crying as they left, Joel said he was very reluctantly holding in his anger. The family had had Sophie (the poodle) every since she was a puppy. Every day since she had arrived, he wrapped her up in a blanket and help her. She was in shock of being left in a strange place and not being at home. So that Saturday I got to take over. When he told me her story, I held her close to me and softly talked to her until she fell asleep in my lap. I just could not believe a family would do that. After a dog has been with you for that long, they become part of your family. I just can't see how someone could just throw away a member of their family like that. The next Saturday, I took a weekend trip to Birmingham for my best friend's birthday. When I went back to the Animal House two Saturdays ago, I didn't see Sophie. I asked Joel about it, dreading the answer I knew he was going to give me. She had died during the week. The beautiful thing is she had died in Joel's lap as he was holding her; she had died knowing someone cared for her.

The same day Sophie came in, we received a new addition to the Animal House. His (or her, we refer to him as a he even though we are not sure what gender he or she is) name is Click. He had gotten stuck in someone's bob-wire and they brought him in. He did not have any broken bones, but his wing was tore up pretty bad, so we will keep him and care for him until he can fly again, and then we will release him into the wild. Right now he is still in the small cage, but once he starts trying to use his wing again, Joel will move him to one of the bird habitats so he can build up strength. And guess what! I got to pet him!!! Do you want to know how he got his name? Well watch this video and you will find out.

That is not all that happened at the Animal House the past few times I have been there, but those are two major ones. Every week I come home will several stories and my stash of memories just keep growing and growing!


  1. The story about Sophie is very sad. But having an owl is neat. Do y'all know what sort of owl it is? My knowledge of owls is limited to pictures from the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series, but I'm guessing spotted owl. Or are those endangered?

    In Pace Christi,


  2. The story about the dog is a bit sad, but think of it from the other side (keep in mind that I am giving the family the benefit of the doubt) If they really didn't think that they would be able to properly take care of the aging dog, would you rather that they keep her or give her to someone that they know will do a good job taking care of her. In either case, death is sad, but unfortunately a part of life as we know it. Can't wait to get to heaven!

